
horizontal-pencil-packing-machine-with-automatic-f Picture Box
Established in 2006, Shanghai Huihe Industrial Co., Ltd is a standardized modern enterprise specialized in R&D, design, manufacturing, sales, and technical support of various kinds of packaging machinery. We have factories in Shanghai, Guangdong and Hebei, and have offices in the United States, Thailand, Bangladesh, India and Japan. Our products are widely used in food, medicines, pesticides, chemicals, toys, cosmetics and hardware products industries.
company name Shanghai Huihe Industrial Co., Ltd
Web: https://www.china-packmachine.com/
ADD "No. 10 Factory, Lane 950, Xinge Road, Xinqiao Town, Songjiang
District, Shanghai, China 201612"
Phone 86-21-67680412 86-21-37601813
Fax: 86-21-67680413-8011
Email : tinachen@3hpack.cn sales@3hpack.com evalin@3hpack.com
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